Pashu Palan Mela of Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana was inaugurated by S. Gurmeet Singh Khuddian, Cabinet Minister, Punjab for Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development and Food Processing. He visited different stalls and showed keen interest to know about different species of Livestock. He said that dairy farming is a profession which gives us daily earnings. Government is running different schemes for the welfare of the farming community. He motivated farmers to develop their own entrepreneurial ventures of livestock for better income.
Dr. Jatinder Paul Singh Gill, Vice-Chancellor said that we are promoting value addition of livestock products. Mela slogan is also based on this objective “Uttpadan ton Uttpad Banaiye, Aao Vadh Munafa Paiye”. He said that through value addition of products we can improve the income level of farmers. He said that value addition of products also provides add on profit in comparison to traditional way of livestock farming.
Vet Varsity showcased all its research, education and extension programmes at the Pashu Palan mela for the benefit of the livestock farmers. Taking place twice a year in March & September it brings with its zest & excitement. This two days event at the Mela ground provided a platform for farmers, scientists, extension workers, Dairy
officers, Fodder & Fisheries officers, various veterinary pharmaceuticals and agribusiness firms and banking sectors for showing their experience and information about the latest knowledge, technologies and schemes which has come up in the livestock sector.
Mineral Mixture for fishes developed with joint efforts of Department of Animal Nutrition and College of Fisheries was launched by the dignitaries.
Dr Parkash Singh Brar, Director of Extension Education revealed that a large number of peoples showed their interest in taking up goat, pig and fish farming and especially enquired about their training programmes. University publications on different subjects of livestock farming were also available. Different Departments of University provided useful literature to the farmers. Special interactive session on livestock rearing in the scientific way was organised consisting of live lectures from experts and questions-answers for participants.
Various departments put up their stall in the Mela and tried their best to transfer valuable inputs and recommendations to the farmers. The excellent germplasm of the University such as Cows, Buffaloes, Goats and Poultry were demonstrated to the livestock farmers. The experts delivered talks on the various aspects of livestock, poultry and fish farming and the mechanism and procedures to overcome the common problems faced by them. Live demonstrations on the various aspects along with sale of Milk testing kit, Mastitis Diagnosis kit, Teat dip practice and acaricide drug application were also demonstrated to the farmers.
An earnest endeavour by the College of Fisheries was the stall having various carp fishes, ornamental fish, azolla, duckweed cultivation and integration of fish farming with other livestock farming. People inquired about Fisheries profession, ornamental fish, shrimp farming & saline water fisheries. Value added products of this college were also displayed on their stall for sale.
Different mouthwatering vegetarian and non-vegetarian delicacies like Sweetened and Salted lassi, Flavoured milk, Yoghurt, Sweets, Whey drink, Paneer, Milk cake, Dhoda barfi, Meat patties, different types of Meat delicacies prepared by College of Dairy and Food Science Technology and the Department of Livestock Products Technology were available for sale.
A large number of livestock farmers visited the stall put up by the Animal Nutrition Department to purchase the area specific mineral mixture, mineral mixture for pigs By–pass fat and uromin lick prepared by the University which is sold at a very nominal rate to the farmers. Different Self-Help Groups trained by Vet Varsity also put up their value added products for depiction, exhibition and sale. This has evoked excellent response among the aspiring farmers and visiting rural youth.
Farmers showed great interest in university publications. The Directorate of Extension Education has published a number of books in simple regional language at a very low price. Farmers showed keen interest in registering their name for monthly magazine ‘Vigiyanak Pashu Palan’.
All the leading Veterinary Pharmaceuticals companies, Dairy & livestock related equipment, feed related factories put their stalls in exhibition. The departments like Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development and Fisheries of Punjab State put up their stalls in the Mela for demonstrating their activities. Different livestock associations established under the guidance of Veterinary University also put up their stalls for enrolling the members.
The Mela allures thousands of farmers from all the nook and corner of Punjab along with farmers from neighbouring states. The Mela was also attended by dignitaries, Officers, heads of departments, faculty, students and staff. The Pashu Palan Mela will be held for two days (13 and 14 September 2024).